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How to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses During a Move

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How to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses During a Move

Moving is expensive. It’s stressful, too. That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised by how much money you spend during a move. However, you can avoid unnecessary expenses by taking the following steps.

1. Don’t Overpay for Storage Space

You may think that you can save money by storing your belongings in the cheapest storage space available. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. When you choose a storage facility, look for a company that offers affordable rates. Also, consider the size of the storage unit. An oversized unit will cost more than a smaller one.

2. Hire Professionals to Do the Heavy Lifting

It’s tempting to hire friends and family members to help you move. However, hiring professionals is often the best option. They’ll provide you with the right equipment, such as dollies and moving blankets. Plus, they’ll ensure that everything goes smoothly. In addition, they won’t charge extra fees for their services.

3. Shop Around for Moving Insurance

If you don’t have insurance when you move, it could end up costing you thousands of dollars. Fortunately, some companies offer affordable coverage. However, you should shop around before purchasing an insurance policy. Ask about discounts and special deals offered by different providers.

4. Use Online Resources to Save Money on Labor Costs

When you use online resources to find cheap movers, you’re likely to get quotes from several companies at once. This means that you can compare prices without having to call each service provider individually. If you want to save even more money, ask the movers if they can do the job themselves. Many people prefer this approach because it saves them time and energy.

5. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead makes it easier to budget for your move. For example, you might decide to rent a truck or trailer instead of buying one. Or, you might plan to store some items in your current home until you need them later on. By doing so, you’ll reduce the number of trips you make between your old house and new residence.

6. Take Advantage of Free Services

Many cities offer free moving assistance programs. These programs allow residents to receive boxes, packing supplies, and other materials for free. To qualify, you must live within city limits. Check with local government offices to learn whether your town has any similar programs.

7. Consider Using Public Transportation

Public transportation is another way to save money on moving costs. Instead of renting a car, you can take advantage of public transportation options. Some buses and trains run 24 hours a day. Others stop running after midnight. Regardless of what type of transit system you use, you’ll pay less for rides than you would if you drove yourself.

8. Make Sure Your New Home Is Ready Before You Arrive

You may feel stressed while moving into a new home because you haven’t finished unpacking all of your belongings yet. As soon as possible, make sure that your new place is ready. Once you arrive, you can start unloading boxes and placing the furniture where you want them.

9. Keep Track of All Paperwork

Make sure that you keep track of every piece of paperwork related to your move. This includes receipts, invoices, and bills. Doing so will help you identify potential problems down the road. For instance, if you discover that you owe someone money for goods or services, you’ll know exactly who to contact.

10. Be Prepared for Potential Problems

Even though most moves go smoothly, things can still go wrong. For example, you might damage something during the process. Or, you might encounter unexpected issues with your utilities. Always be prepared for these situations. This will help you stay calm and focused throughout the entire relocation process.

11. Find Help From Family & Friends

Family and friends can play a significant role in helping you complete your move. But, you should only count on them for minor tasks. For example, they can pack and load your possessions into the vehicle. However, they cannot drive the vehicle themselves.

12. Create a Budget

Before making a final decision regarding your move, create a budget. The goal here is to figure out how much money you can afford to spend. Afterward, stick to your spending limit. Otherwise, you risk overspending.

13. Choose an Affordable Destination

Many factors determine whether a destination is affordable. For example, you should consider the distance between your current location and your new home. You also need to factor in the cost of living. Finally, you should check whether you can afford to buy property in the area.

14. Look Into Renting vs. Buying Property

Buying real estate is a popular choice among homeowners. However, it comes with a hefty price tag. On the other hand, renting is usually cheaper. However, even if you purchase a rental property, you’ll probably have to invest a lot of money upfront. Therefore, you should carefully weigh your options before choosing a path forward.

15. Know What Items Can Be Shipped

Some items are better suited for shipping rather than being moved via traditional methods. For example, appliances like refrigerators and washers/dryers require professional installation. Other items, like mattresses, couches, and chairs, can easily break. If you ship these types of items, you’ll increase the likelihood that they arrive damaged.

16. Buy Only Necessary Goods

While shopping for household items before your move, try to focus on essentials. For example, you should purchase only those items that you absolutely need. Conversely, you should skip anything that isn’t essential. This will help you cut back on unnecessary purchases.

17. Pack Everything Carefully

Packing is important. However, it’s especially crucial when you’re relocating. Not only does it protect your belongings, but it ensures that they arrive safely. In addition, packing your belongings properly will prevent damage. And, it will also help you avoid losing valuable items.

18. Label Boxes Properly

Labeling boxes is necessary. However, it’s easy to forget to label certain boxes. This can lead to confusion and frustration. So, make sure that you label each box clearly. Also, write the contents inside the box. This will help you remember which item belongs in which container.

19. Store Supplies Closeby

Storing supplies close to your home helps you prepare for emergencies. For example, you can quickly grab cleaning products when needed. Additionally, you’ll be able to access them quickly. This will help you finish projects faster.

20. Organize Furniture Before Moving Day

Organizing furniture before moving day will help you maximize the amount of space in your new home. For example, you can remove excess items from shelves and tables. Then, you can stack items vertically or horizontally. This will help you fit more stuff into your new room.

21. Remove Junk Mail

Junk mail is a significant source of clutter. However, it also takes up valuable space. So, you should tackle junk mail first. Then, simply toss unwanted letters and envelopes into recycling bins.

22. Clean Out Closets

Cleaning out closets is a great way to declutter your life. However, it’s challenging to organize clothes and shoes when they’re spread across multiple locations. One solution is to sort through clothing and accessories. Another option is to donate items that no longer serve a purpose.

23. Sell Old Electronics

Selling used electronics is a brilliant idea. Not only will you earn cash, but you’ll also eliminate clutter. In addition, since you’ll be receiving payment for your items, you won’t have to worry about getting rid of them.

24. Get Rid of Extra Clothing

Clothing is bulky. And, it takes up lots of space. So, you should sell or give away any extra clothing that you own. Alternatively, you can repurpose items like sweaters and coats. You can turn them into pillows or rugs.

25. Declutter Kitchen Cabinets

Decluttering kitchen cabinets is an excellent habit to develop. Not only will it improve the appearance of your home, but it will also help you clean up efficiently. Start by removing food containers and dirty dishes. Next, wipe off countertops and floors. Finally, vacuum under sinks and behind stovetops.

26. Sort Through Personal Belongings

Sort through personal belongings to see if you can part with any items. For example, you may be able to let go of outdated technology. Or, you might be able to sell unused toys.

27. Go Green With Recycling

Recycling is a great way to conserve natural resources. Plus, it reduces the amount of trash generated by households. So, you should recycle whenever possible. For example, you can collect aluminum cans, paper, and plastic bottles. Then, you can reuse them.



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