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How to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses on Moving Day

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How to Avoid Unnecessary Expenses on Moving Day

Moving day is stressful enough without having to worry about unnecessary expenses. Unfortunately, while you’ll be happy to save money by packing your own boxes, you may be tempted to buy new furniture or appliances before you move. Don’t fall victim to these common mistakes.

Mistake #1 – Buying New Furniture

Buying new furniture is tempting. After all, you’ll be able to use your old furniture for storage once you’re settled into your new home. However, you could end up paying twice for your new furniture. First, you’ll have to pay for the new furniture itself. Second, you’ll have to pay for shipping and installation costs.

You’ll also have to factor in the cost of returning your old furniture. Most stores charge a fee for the return of their merchandise. Some stores even charge a restocking fee. Not only does this mean you’ll have to pay for the item again, but it will take time off your moving budget as well.

If you want to purchase new furniture, do so after you’ve moved into your new home. That way, you won’t have to deal with any additional fees for returning your old items. You can always repurpose some of your old furniture when you get around to decorating your new space.

Mistake #2 – Overpaying For Shipping Services

When you pack up your belongings for relocation, you don’t need to hire professional movers. In fact, you should avoid hiring them at all costs. Instead, you can pack everything yourself using packing materials that are inexpensive and easy to find.

However, if you decide to hire a mover, make sure they offer free pickup services. This means that they’ll pick up your possessions from your current residence and deliver them to your new one. If you choose not to go through an online service like Moveline, you might consider calling local moving companies instead.

Make sure you ask for estimates from several different companies. Compare prices and look for discounts offered by multiple businesses. The more competitive the market, the better deals you’ll likely receive.

Mistake #3 – Paying Too Much For Storage Space

While you may think that storing your belongings in your garage or basement is cheaper than renting a storage unit, you’d be surprised how much you can actually save by doing so.

The first thing to remember is that most storage units aren’t cheap. Even if you rent a small storage unit, you’ll still spend thousands of dollars over a year. Plus, you’ll have to fork out monthly payments to cover the cost of your storage unit.

If you plan to store large amounts of personal property, you may want to consider purchasing a self-storage facility. These facilities usually come equipped with climate control features, making them ideal for storing expensive electronics, clothing, and other valuables. They also allow you to access your goods whenever you need to.

Mistake #4 – Renting A Truck Without Considering Your Budget

Renting a truck isn’t just convenient; it can also help you save money. When you drive your car to your destination, you’ll have to pay for gas. On top of that, you’ll have to pay for parking and tolls along the way.

By contrast, when you rent a truck, you’ll simply drop off your vehicle at the rental company. Then, you can head straight to your final destination. By avoiding driving your car, you’ll save money on gas and parking fees.

Of course, you’ll have to factor in the price of the truck rental. Make sure you compare rates between various companies to ensure you get the best deal possible. Also, check whether the truck rental includes insurance coverage. Finally, it’s essential to know what kind of liability protection you’re getting because you could face hefty fines if someone gets injured while you’re transporting their belongings.

Mistake #5 – Packing Up Too Many Items

Packing too many things can lead to severe problems later down the road. As soon as you unpack your belongings, you’ll realize that there’s no room left for anything else. At that point, you’ll have to start unpacking again. And since you already packed too much stuff in the first place, you’ll probably have to throw away whatever you didn’t fit inside your containers.

To prevent this problem from happening, try to limit the number of items you bring with you during relocation. You can either pack fewer items or invest in smaller containers. Either option will help you reduce the amount of work required to unload your belongings.

Mistake #6 – Failing To Plan Ahead

It goes without saying that planning ahead is essential when relocating. But, it doesn’t matter how prepared you are; you can still run into unexpected issues. From forgetting where you put something to losing track of your keys, you never know what can happen until it happens.

That’s why it’s crucial to prepare yourself for every eventuality. Start by making a list of everything you need to accomplish before you leave your current location. Include tasks such as:

  • Packaging your belongings
  • Preparing for the move
  • Sorting out bills
  • Getting rid of unwanted items
  • Setting up utilities
  • Making arrangements for pets

Then, write down a detailed schedule for each task. Once you have a clear idea of what needs to be done, you’ll feel less stressed out. And you’ll be able to complete each step efficiently.

Mistake #7 – Forgetting Important Documents

As we mentioned earlier, you shouldn’t rely solely on your memory to keep track of important documents. Instead, you should create a folder specifically designed to hold your paperwork.

This way, you’ll be able to quickly locate everything you need. You can then organize your files according to category. For example, you can group receipts, warranties, and invoices under “Business & Finance.” Or, you can separate your financial records from your tax returns.

Remember, you don’t necessarily have to stick to paper anymore. You can also scan important documents onto your computer. Just make sure that you back up your data regularly. Otherwise, you could lose valuable information if your hard disk crashes.

Mistake #8 – Leaving Behind Valuable Goods

One of the biggest reasons people fail to properly plan for relocation is due to forgetfulness. We tend to become distracted by our daily routines, which leads us to neglect certain aspects of our lives.

For instance, you may not notice that you forgot to lock your front door until it’s too late. Or, you may not realize that you left your wallet behind until you arrive at your destination. Because of this, you may end up spending hundreds of dollars trying to replace lost goods.

To avoid this situation:

  1. Make sure you keep a close eye on your belongings throughout the entire process.
  2. Check your bags periodically to see if anything has been stolen.
  3. Take inventory of your belongings before you depart.

And, review your lists frequently to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.

Mistake #9 – Not Having Enough Cash

Relocation requires cash. Whether you’re buying groceries, taking public transportation, or paying for a hotel room, you’ll need to withdraw money from ATMs. Unfortunately, you can’t count on your bank account to provide you with sufficient funds.

To avoid running short of cash, you should set aside extra funds for your relocation. Ideally, you should have $200 available per person. That way, you’ll be able to cover basic living expenses, including food, lodging, and transportation.

If you’re worried about being unable to afford your relocation, you can borrow money from friends or family members. Alternatively, you can apply for a loan from your bank. Of course, you’ll have to pay interest on loans taken out against future earnings. So, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of borrowing money before applying for a loan.

Mistake #10 – Thinking That Relocation Is Easy

We understand that moving can be complicated. But, you shouldn’t let that discourage you from preparing for your upcoming relocation. There are plenty of ways to make the experience more accessible. Here are three simple tips that can help you stay organized:

Start early. It’s far better to begin organizing your belongings months in advance rather than waiting until the last minute. This way, you’ll have ample time to sort through your belongings and figure out what needs to be thrown out.

Create a checklist. Before you begin packing, create a comprehensive checklist detailing everything you need to do. Use this document to remind yourself of what needs to be completed.


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