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How to Be an Organized Mover

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How to Be an Organized Mover

Moving checklist: To make sure you don’t forget anything important!

1. Make a list of all the things that need to be moved. This is also known as your “to-do” list. You can use this list for reference when moving day comes around. 

2. Write down each item in detail to know exactly what it is and where it goes. If you have any questions about an item or room, write them down too. Do not assume that you know everything there is to know about the move. There are many details that you may not think about until after the fact.

3. Decide how much time you want to spend organizing yourself before you start moving. The more time you put into planning ahead, the less stress you will feel while moving.

4. Start by making a plan for your home. Go through every room and decide which items should stay at their current location and which ones should go with you. Draw out floor plans if you need to.

5. Take pictures of each room and create a detailed description of each one. Include measurements, dimensions, and other information like whether or not the room has windows. Use these descriptions to fill out your “to do” list.

6. Create a master list of all the people who will be helping you with the move. List everyone from friends and family members to movers, handymen, and anyone else who might be involved in the process.

7. Keep track of all the bills related to the move. These include utilities, insurance, taxes, and any other expenses with having a house full of stuff.

8. Set aside some money for unexpected costs. Things happen unexpectedly, especially when you are moving. Don’t let the unexpected cost of something ruin your entire budget.

9. Prepare your moving truck. Have all the necessary tools ready to load up the truck. A good rule of thumb is to pack only 10% of the truck’s total amount of space available. That way, you won’t run out of storage space halfway through the move.

10. Pack all of your belongings carefully. Too often, people throw clothes and other personal possessions into bags without thinking about the order they were packed in. When you pack your belongings, try to group similar items together. Also, label each bag clearly with its contents.

11. Check the weather forecast. If bad weather is predicted, consider postponing the move until later in the week. Moving heavy objects in inclement weather can cause serious injuries.

12. Find a friend or relative to act as your “moving buddy.” Having someone to share responsibilities with makes the whole experience more accessible. Your buddy can take over tasks such as loading and unloading trucks, driving the truck, and even helping you find a place to live.

13. Plan ahead for the big day. Think about what kind of mood you will be in on the day of the move. Will you be excited? Or stressed? How will you handle the situation? What will you eat? Where will you sleep?

14. Remember to enjoy your last night at home. Enjoy dinner with your family and friends. Give thanks for the memories you made at your old home. And finally, get some rest because tomorrow is going to be another long day.

15. On the morning of the move, wake up early. Get dressed and leave for work on time. Try not to rush around getting ready. Instead, relax and enjoy breakfast with your family.

16. Arrive at the destination no earlier than 30 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. This gives you plenty of time to park the car, unload the truck, and arrange the items inside the new home.

17. Before leaving, give your keys to the person taking care of the property. Tell them that they must lock the door behind you.

18. Once you arrive at the new home, recheck the address to make sure you got it right. Then, call the landlord to confirm that you did indeed receive permission to move in.

19. After checking in, head straight to the kitchen to begin unpacking. Unpack the refrigerator first. Put away food that needs refrigeration. Next, open the cabinets and shelves. Place dishes, pots, pans, and utensils back onto the shelves. Finally, remove all the trash from the cupboards and drawers.

20. Now that the kitchen is clean, it’s time to tackle the living area. First, open the doors and windows to air out the room. Next, remove all the clutter from the coffee table and dining chairs. Then, pull out the rug and vacuum underneath it.

21. Clean the bathroom thoroughly. Wash the walls and mirrors. Wipe off the sinks and tub. Dispose of any dirty towels and rags. Replace toilet tissue rolls with fresh rolls.

22. In the bedroom, sort through your clothing. Fold and store neatly. Pick up shoes and toss them outside. Pull out bedding and wash sheets. Throw away old pillows.

23. While cleaning the bedrooms, pay special attention to the closets. Sort through all of your clothes and hang them properly. Launder all linens. Toss out any damaged garments.

24. At this point, you should be feeling pretty accomplished. But don’t stop yet! Continue cleaning the bathrooms, kitchens, and living areas.

25. When you finish cleaning, turn your attention to the basement. First, empty all of the boxes stored downstairs. Then, organize the remaining items according to type (books, toys, games, etc.) and place them in appropriate locations.

26. Finally, tidy up the yard. Sweep the driveway and walkways. Trim bushes and shrubs. Rake leaves and debris. Spray weeds with weed killer.

27. Contact your real estate agent to set up a showing as soon as you are done. Let her know that you would like to see the house immediately.

28. During the showing, ask lots of questions. Look closely at the appliances, fixtures, and other features of the house. Ask about the neighborhood, schools, crime rates, and commute times.

29. When the showing ends, sign the contract. Read the fine print carefully. Understand all of the terms and conditions. Then, sign the paperwork quickly and return it promptly.

30. After signing the contract, wait for the final inspection. Inspections usually occur within 24 hours of closing. They typically involve a visit from the seller’s inspector and a representative from the title company.

31. Pay close attention to the condition of the house. Is it structurally sound? Does it have adequate insulation? Are the appliances working correctly? Has the roof been inspected recently?

32. Call your lender to discuss financing options. Discuss interest rate, loan term, and payment schedule. Then, choose the best option based on your financial situation.

33. Contact your insurance provider. Confirm coverage limits and deductibles. Determine if you need flood insurance.

34. Schedule a meeting with your attorney to review the documents.

35. Finalize all of the paperwork. Print copies of the contracts and deeds. Complete the mortgage application forms. Send copies to your lender and insurance providers. File copies with the county recorder and register of deeds.

36. Meet with your realtor once more to answer any questions.

37. Wait patiently for the keys to the new house.

38. Drive safely to your new home. Smile as you pass by familiar landmarks. Say goodbye to your former neighbors. Thank them for welcoming you into their community.

39. Park in front of your new home. Unlock the garage. Walkthrough the front door. Enter the house. Breathe deeply. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Smell the scent of freshly cut grass. Listen to birds chirping.

40. Turn on the lights. Sit down to watch television. Relax. Enjoy your new life.

41. Congratulations! You just completed a successful move.

Make a list of all the things that need to be moved. Make a plan for your home before moving. Do not assume everything is to be done. Plan ahead for the big day. Have a plan to move your moving truck. Get some rest before you start moving.22-30 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. The next day, check your home with your realtor. 


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